Category: Estate Planning

Estate Planning for Blended Families

Did you know that 65% of Americans are now members of a blended family?1 Download the Estate Planning for Blended Families Article Need some estate planning solutions and techniques for blended families? Please fill out the following form to download Estate Planning for Blended Families from Thomas D. Begley Jr.: Blended Families Blended families are […]

Credit Shelter Trust vs an A/B Trust

Standard AB Trusts and Credit Shelter Trusts have the same purpose; they reduce federal and state taxes on married couples by removing assets from a taxable estate. Each method creates trusts to take maximum advantage of exemptions from federal and state estate taxes. Many estate-planning informational presentations refer to AB Trusts and Credit Shelter Trusts […]

Estate Planning Online Client Interview is Now Available

Beyond Counsel, an estate planning Software Company, is continuing to lead the way in offering systems to improve the efficiency of your office. We are pleased to announce, an online client questionnaire. Clients can now enter their information on a secure website. This information can be downloaded and opened in the Beyond Counsel estate […]

Estate Planning for Business Owners

Estate Planning for Business Owners

Business owners require estate planning and lifetime planning as well. Choice of Business Entity The first step in starting any business is considering a proper choice of business entity.  Each has advantages and disadvantages. The type of entity will vary in each circumstance and an attorney should assist in choosing the business type.  Choices include […]

Estate Planning for Grandchildren

Estate Planning for Grandchildren

Goals When Planning for Grandchildern A grandparent-grandchild relationship is a special one.  Perhaps because of the differences in age, perhaps because grandparents have already raised one child or a family of children, they have a different viewpoint with respect to their grandchildren.  Grandparents often have the following concerns: Pocket Money: They want grandchildren to have […]

Estate Planning for Problem Sons and Daughters-in-Law

Estate Planning for Problem Sons and Daughters-in-Law

Parents love their children and want their children to inherit.  However, many parents are concerned about their children’s spouses.  Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce.  What happens if a parent dies, leaves everything to his daughter, who commingles the funds with her husband and subsequently his daughter is divorced by the son-in-law?  Through […]

Estate Planning with Different Treatment for Different Children

Estate Planning with Different Treatment for Different Children

Different children have different needs and different personalities.  In those situations the children can be treated equally but not necessarily the same.  Let’s suppose a parent has two children, one who is responsible with money and one who is a spendthrift. The distribution to the responsible child can be made outright while the distribution to […]

Estate Planning for Problem Heirs

Estate Planning for Problem Heirs

Children often have problems that must be addressed in estate planning.  These problems include drug and alcohol addiction, criminal activity, and an inability to manage money.  It is not necessary for a parent to disinherit these children.  Trusts may the answer. In the case of a child who is a substance abuser, language can be […]

Estate Planning for Non-Citizen Spouse

Estate Planning for Non-Citizen Spouse

Transfers The estate and gift tax marital deduction is not allowed for transfers to a surviving spouse unless the surviving spouse is a U.S.citizen.   The concern is that the noncitizen spouse may leave the country and avoid federal estate tax. If the surviving spouse was a U.S. resident at all times following the decedent’s […]

Using Durable Financial Power of Attorney

Using Durable Financial Power of Attorney

A Durable Financial Power of Attorney (DFPOA) is an estate planning document under which you name one or more persons to help you handle your financial affairs while you are alive but incapacitated.  In it you the principal name someone whom you trust to act as your agent in making your financial and property decisions in […]

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